A Challenge for Booktography
Amidst the many challenges available to book lovers, the focus is predominantly on reading. Some of us want to read more diversely, some want to read more, while others want to delve into particular genres on a deeper level. Georgie and I are hosting a different challenge for book lovers. Bookish Scene: Project 52 is about photography and showcasing books to fit weekly themes.
Examples of thematic book photography can be seen from the Mise-en-scène feature that we both hosted this year. Bookish Scene: Project 52 takes this one step further as an official 2016 challenge. We are opening sign-ups today, so if you’re interested, enter your name and link at the end of this introduction post.
How to Participate
Participation is open to everyone who has an online platform to share their photos. These entail blogs, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and the likes. The hashtag to use is #BookishScene.
Since weekly contributions can be very spread out, we ask that you add your links to the weekly posts either on Georgie’s or my blog. That way everyone has easy access to all the participating photos and a gateway to more interaction. Our weekly posts go live on Fridays but you may share your photo anytime within the coming week. Link-ups are open for 8 days for each theme.
For the Love of Books and Photography
What do you gain from participating? Fun and community surely top the list. We can discover new books and make friends with fellow book lovers. Bookish Scene: Project 52 also is about improving our photography skills. By committing to a Project 52, there’s one weekly photo you’re encouraged to put a little more thought into. Having a theme will get you thinking about composition, lighting, mood, etc.
We’re Giving Away Tips
In terms of rewards, Georgie and I will do a bimonthly round-up to pick the top 3 contributing photos from the previous two months. The winners will be get to have an informal “how-to” chat with one of us. These will be geared towards improving your book photography and to some extent photography in general.
There Might be Twitter Chats
One thing we haven’t finalised is the possibility of Twitter chats. We considered hosting them on a quarterly basis as a means for participants to connect, share tips and tricks, and talk ideas with one another. We aren’t entirely sure how that should pan out. That’s why we’d love to hear your suggestions! What would you like to see in a Bookish Scene Twitter chat? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us!
January Themes
To help you prepare for January, we have a handy Bookish Scene: Project 52 card for you. Feel free to share this card on Instagram, Twitter, your blog or any of your chosen platforms to spread the word. The more bibliophiles take part, the more photos we’ll get to admire.
Sign up for Bookish Scene!
If you would like to participate in Bookish Scene: Project 52, please fill out the sign-up form here.
I’ve already started this but I just wanted to comment and mention that I am doing it! My IG handle is @mikeylynn but I’m thinking of starting a separate bookish IG so that people coming for book photos don’t have to get a mix of my life as well. For now, check them out on @mikeylynn!
I Will now be posting all Bookish Scenes on @mlvreads !!
I really want to participate in this challenge but I’m not sure if I will be able to come up with a photo every week because I’m not that creative when it comes to Instagram pics and I don’t really have any accessories to decorate the scenes, but I might still give it a try :D
Don’t worry too much about completing all weekly challenges! Sometimes inspiration eludes us or we simply have no time to take photos. That’s okay. Important thing is to keep moving forward and making the best it :) As for props, I don’t own or use all that many either. Work with what you have ;)
I’m so in! How long do I have to sign up? I’m currently very busy with Christmas celebrations and sorting out my life before moving so I don’t know yet when I’ll have the time to write up my master post and I’d rather use that link than a general link.
Don’t stress about it! Do what you need to do and come back when you have the time. As of now we haven’t even considered closing sign-ups. Merry Christmas! :)
Well, as of now I won’t make it anytime soon. My life is stressing me out right now because everything is going to be new and there are so many things not settled yet. I also won’t have my books around me for at least one month. But I will come back later and just start this challenge when everything is sorted. It won’t be one pic a week but maybe I’ll just do a catch-up post and pick it up from there.
This is EXACTLY what I need for 2016. One of my goals for the next year on personal and blogging level was to use my camera more and get better with book photography. I would love it to challenge myself and to get more tips on how to improve my photography. Lovely idea girls, signing up right now.
We look forward to seeing your photos, Mel! :)
This sounds like an AMAZING challenge, ladies! I definitely am signing up for it, because I’d love to challenge myself when it comes to bookish photography and also because it sounds massively fun!
Yes, yes, yes, fun is definitely one of the aims! ;) We look forward to your participation, Alexa!
This looks so much fun! I haven’t participated in any of the 2016 reading challenges yet because I don’t like putting too much pressure i my reading however this one will really make me put an effort into developing my bookish photography skills. A twitter chat would be great too! 😊
Do join us when you can :) A Project 52 helps to continuously develop without the daily stress of churning out photos. Weekly challenges give you time to breathe and think about what you want to do next :)