In November, I found a lot more time to read than I had expected. My family’s home has been under renovation since September. With the completion weeks overdue, I thought I’d be much busier overseeing the progress. I did spend a lot of time on that but my reduced Internet access saw me turning more to books than to my laptop and smartphone. Plus, I was determined to work myself through the pile of books that I received for review. Overall, I finished 14 books, making November a really good reading month.
October 2017 Overview
September 2017 Overview
September was a busy month for me. With preparing for our home renovation, packing and moving things into storage, I didn’t have much time to sit down and read. What I did manage was to listen to audiobooks as I moved about. That’s how I still read 15 books altogether. Of the books I read, 10 were audiobooks, four were paperbacks and one was an ebook.
July 2017 Overview
I’ve finally collated my July reading stats. Turns out, it was a decent reading month for me. Altogether, I read 11 books, one of which (When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon) was a re-read. Of the other ten, four were books I received for review. I’m especially pleased with that because this means I reduced my TBR pile for review to less than ten books, making it significantly more manageable.
June 2017 Overview
Before July comes to end too, let me quickly round up my June reading stats! I’ve not been blogging as much as I’d like, but I’m glad to say that hasn’t affected my reading. Or maybe, it’s because I’ve been reading so much, that I didn’t have much time left to blog. Hah. Altogether, I finished 16 books in June. As always, audiobooks boosted that number.