Looking Back
Reading Stats
February was a much slower reading month compared to January. That was to be expected since I read way more books then than I usually manage. Last month I read 10 books, which still is decent. In fact, while the quantity decreased, the quality increased. My average rating was 3.972 out of 5. That’s a jump of nearly 0.5!
Of the books I read, six were paperbacks and four were audiobooks. I continued to neglect my Kindle, and didn’t pick up any hardcovers either. Part of the reason is that I travelled for a few days last month. Transporting paperbacks was much more convenient than hauling around hardcovers.
In print I read 1,944 pages and in audio I listened 37:07 hours (equalling 1,300 pages). Converting the listening hours to pages, that equals to 3,244 pages altogether for those ten books.
Books Read
- The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner | Rating: 4.222*
- The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson | Rating: 4.313
- Someone Else’s Love Story by Joshilyn Jackson | Rating: 2.150
- Oedipus the King by Sophocles | Rating: 4.750
- Wing Jones by Katherine Webber | Rating: 4.667
- Carnivalesque by Neil Jordan | Rating: 3.688
- Joyride by Anna Banks | Rating: 3.000
- Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall | Rating: 3.389
- Margot & Me by Juno Dawson | Rating: 4.778
- A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab | Rating: 4.313
*Note on ratings: I rate books on a scale of 0 to 5, 0 being the worst and 5 being the best. I first rate various aspects such as prose, characterisation, plot, originality, etc. Then I average these out for my overall ratings. To obtain my star ratings, I round to the nearest 0.5.
TBR Pile
TBR Reduction
As with January, I hauled 10 books in February. Since I read less, though my TBR pile grew, so my 2017 TBR reduction status was 3 at the end of the month. Of these, I bought six and received four for review.
ooh you read a lot last month, and it seems like you enjoyed a lot of them! i love your tbr, it has lots of amazing titles and it seems so colorful :)