Another round of Love-A-Thon has arrived! This year Alexa is hosting it together with Cee, Kristin and Mel. The bookish community is constantly growing, which makes the annual Love-A-Thon a great avenue to meet new people. It’s also a fun time to reconnect with friends as we participate in the various mini challenges. With that, let’s dive into the questionnaire!
1. What’s your name? Where in the world are you blogging from?
My name is Joséphine, and I’m currently situated in sunny Singapore. Yep, no snow for me.
2. Tell us your history with reading. Were you always a reader?
I grew up surrounded by books. As I grew up, my dad and grandmother regularly gifted me books. When I discovered libraries in third grade, a new world opened up for me. Since then I’ve always carried a book with me everywhere I go.
3. How did you get involved in the online book community?
As I was applying for internships during my undergrad days, several interviewers asked me for writing samples. Given the nature of the jobs, they weren’t as interested in my academic writing. That’s when I realised a blog would help me produce consistent work, and maybe even improve. I thought book reviewing would be a good start, so I did that. It’s only 4 months or so into setting up my blog that I discovered the book blogosphere. I started commenting on posts here and there, connected with some bloggers on Twitter, and the rest, as they say, is history.
4. How did you choose your primary platform? How did you come up with your blog name?
My answer to Q3 pretty much answers how I got into blogging. Haha. I’m also active on Instagram under @wordrevel. For some time I had been following a bunch of book blogger friends with my personal Instagram account. Then they started joining photo challenges. I thought they were fun but doubted my offline friends would care much for daily bookish posts, so I set up an Instagram account for that. I didn’t know either that there was a thriving bookstagram community until I joined.
As for the name Word Revel, I wanted something short. The 140-character limit on Twitter was the main reason for that. Besides, short names are easier to remember. I brainstormed for months, until the name popped up and it finally clicked. Before that I had been blogging under Dudette Reads but the name never really resonated. I knew all along that it’d only be temporary.
5. What’s your favorite thing about the online book community?
The people who hail from every corner of the globe. This opens up a lot of discourse and allows me to learn about different cultures. It’s also really exciting whenever the opportunity arises to meet the lovely friends we’ve made online in person.
6. What sort of posts can readers expect from you?
Besides book reviews and discussions surrounding books, I post bookstagram tutorials as well as photography tips.
7. What book genres do you talk about most?
Most of the books I review here on the blog are young adult books, though I plan to incorporate more general fiction as well. Prominent genres are contemporary fiction and fantasy, although I also read science fiction, magical realism and historical fiction alongside the occasional mystery or crime novel. What you probably won’t find here are horror, thrillers (unless it’s psychological) and paranormal fiction.
1. Favourite food? Beverage?
Sashimi and chirashi don top the list for food. Can’t go a day without tea.
2. Favourite colour?
3. Favourite things to do apart from reading?
Photography, baking and sports
4. Favourite TV shows?
Frequency, Mozart in the Jungle, Gilmore Girls
5. Favourite movies?
I’m not all that into movies. Don’t get me wrong, I watch them every now and then but somehow they don’t stick.
6. Favourite musical artists?
Off the top of my head, I don’t know. I’d have to check what I’ve most played on iTunes but even then, I play a lot on shuffle, so…
7. Favourite places to shop?
Book Depository and Amazon because books. Also, I don’t like shopping crowds, so online it is.
Book Talk
1. Favourite childhood books?
Die Wilden Hühner by Cornelia Funke which is one of the books that made me fall in love with reading. Fun fact: it’s the first book I ever borrowed from a library and the year later my grandmother unknowingly gifted it to me. She said it came highly recommended at her local bookstore.
2. Favourite books read in the last five years?
This is such a tough question to answer! Rather than crack my brain, let me refer you to my top ten novels read in 2016. These were all excellent books. Some were published in 2016, others were from the backlist.
3. Favourite genres?
I’m partial towards YA contemporary and fantasy, and have a soft spot too for adult magical realism because it often involves food.
4. Underrated book, series or author you love?
The Weight of Zero by Karen Fortunati is severely underrated. It was my most favourite book last year.
5. A book you want to see made into a film or tv show?
Caraval by Stephanie Garber because the atmosphere was entrancing and absolutely magical. It would look breath-taking on screen, that I’m sure.
6. Book boyfriend/girlfriend? Book BFF? Book family?
I’ve still not forgotten Kate from Converting Kate by Beckie Weinheimer. I connected with her so much, I wish she’d been a friend I met in real life.
7. Books you want to read in 2017?
My goal this year is to focus on books I own, and reduce that toppling TBR pile.
Jen @ Habitat for Happiness says
Your photos are absolutely stunning! Especially that book heart! I also chose caraval as the book I want to be made into a movie, and I’ve seen other participants choose it too! Hopefully it happens.
Lauren says
Josephine, your an amazing photographer! Your photos are just stunning. AND THAT cupcake, wow… I’m not even a big sweet eater but I just instantly wanted one :P
Happy love-a-thon <3
Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) says
OMG! That cupcake looks/sounds divine! All your photographs are amazing. I understand about your TBR pile. I’ve been trying to read 3 of my old TBR books before I read a newer/review/library book.
Kristin says
First of all, that is the most perfect book heart I have ever seen!!! I always love reading your posts about bookstagram and it’s through you that I found those amazing mini backdrops that I use for some of my own photos! And I looooooove sashimi and tea as well<3 And Caraval really would be the most magical film! I cannot wait for the second book!
Inkling says
As usual your pictures are awesome, I love the heart!
Tasya says
Hello from your neighboring country, there’s no snow for me either but there are LOTS of rain :D I really love reading your bookstagram and photography tips, even though I don’t have talent in them, but they’re improving my pictures :D Really love your blog <3
Becky @Inmyreadingnoook says
Your book heart is stunning! I’m also a fan of Gilmore Girls and would love to see Caraval as a movie. Great book! One of my goals this year is also to read more of the books I already own.
Great getting to know you!
Have a great Love-a-thon weekend!
Alexa S. says
The book heart you created is beautiful! I wish I could come up with something as awesome as that. Speaking of photos, I’ve been adoring your bookstagram and photography tips. They’ve been really helpful, though I’m definitely still in the process of learning how to really take better photos!
I’m so glad you’re joining the Love-a-Thon again, and I’m also glad that we became friends through this community <3
Lori says
Your Bookstagram account is gorgeous! I’m following you now. I can’t believe I wasn’t before!
Caraval would be a great movie!
Mybookjacket says
The food aspect is one of my favourite things about magical realism as well! This is such a fun post!
Briana @ Pages Unbound says
I would love to see Caraval made into a movie! I admit I was a bit surprised that the focus of the novel is so heavily on the romance when all I heard about was the magic/world building in other people’s reviews, but I think it would make a great and very beautiful film.
Mel@thedailyprophecy says
“Sunny” – Oh how I envy you ;) I would love to have some sun, but it’s been so cold over here :(
A library card is such a beautiful gift, isn’t it? The best way to give all those worlds to a child.
That cupcake *grabby hands* I don’t even like rum, but that looks delicious.
I want to reduce my TBR pile every year, but then new books happen..
Alice says
It’s always nice getting to know a little better the bloggers you follow, I’m glad you’re joining the fun too this weekend!