In My Life
My weeks feel like they’re melding into one another, so I sometimes forget what happened exactly when. Looking back on the past week, I’m not so sure anymore what did happen then and what actually happened the week before that. I think it is time I introduce structure into my life again, instead of going with the flow. Even when it comes to reading, I’m completely losing my overview. A change of pace will probably kick some zest into my life again.
What I do remember is book mail! Of course that made me happy but I’m disappointed with the time it took for these books to reach me. In the past when I ordered books from The Book Depository, they would reach me within a week, or two tops. This time round, it took more than three weeks from the day I ordered until the day all the books had reached me. I’m not sure what’s going on with the major slowdown in shipping but I hope that delivery times won’t drag even more in the future.
This is the first time I went with hardcovers of books in English. I don’t like dust jackets, so given the option, I automatically pick paperbacks. But I somehow expect to like both The World Outside and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, so I disregarded my personal rule this one time.
On the Blog
Blog Posts
Around the Blogosphere
Bloggers & Blogging
- Rachel @ Parajunkee has a few tips to the removal of non-British classic works from the GCSE syllabus, courtesy of Michael Gove.
Rating & Reviewing
- Cait @ Notebook Sisters took it upon herself to find out what publicists think of negative book reviews.
- Nikki @ The Paper Sea considers why she read YA, even though she is an adult. Her reason’s pretty much the same as mine. Not surprising, since we both are in our early twenties, not married, without children, and have no mortgage to pay off.
- Rosie @ Rosie Reads wants to say these 7 things to people who don’t like to read.
- Stormy @ Book. Blog. Bake. shares her experiences with the idea of gendered reading as she grew up.
- Marianne @ Boricuan Bookworms discusses the place of cliffhangers in books. While I rarely, if ever, look upon them with favour, she has found some appreciation for them.
Quote of the Week
“Some things are of value, even if they aren’t worth money. You’d be wise to understand that lesson.”
—Marva Meier Rios, Objects of My Affection by Jill Smolinski
With consumerism so deeply rooted in our lives, I think we sometimes forget that there are a lot of things that matter that money can’t buy. This is why I like this quote. It reminds us that the monetary cost and the value of something can be two very separate concerns.
Books from The Book Depository always take at least a month to arrive at my house. I thought that it was just because of where I lived, but I’ve heard other cases where it’s taken a lot of time. Weird.
Anyways, I’ve been hearing so much about To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before and am really looking forward to reading your review. Enjoy your books! :)
Wow! One month? I’m glad it hasn’t come to that for me yet. But I’ll definitely take note of the time it takes for the most recent books I ordered. 3 of them were dispatched this week, so now I wait. Haha.
I’ll probably read it towards the end of June when my library books have mostly found their way back to the book drop, so I can pick up the books I actually do own to read :)
I recently ordered some books for a friend from BD, and I think they got to her within a week. That’s really strange to hear they took so long for you! Hopefully it was just a fluke this time? One or two weeks I can understand, especially since it’s free shipping and that’s a HUGE benefit to BD, but three or more is like… where’s my books dude??
I guess it isn’t really the fault of TBD. Once the books are out of their hands, it comes down to the carriers they selected. I don’t think it was a fluke. It’s been taking more and more time for books to reach me. Allegiant took 3 weeks to reach me last year. I clearly remember wondering what the point in pre-ordering was if I had to wait that long. But since they’ve got free shipping, like you said, and the books are almost always cheaper than in bookstores, I don’t usually mind the wait. It takes me quite some time to get down to reading the books I buy anyway. Haha. I’m too fond of my library, and am always trying to read the books I borrowed before they’re due.