In My Life
Boy meets girl
going for gold,
catching fire,
stealing heaven
under the never sky.
Evidently, I had a go at book poetry, thanks to the #30daysofbookstagrams challenge I’m participating in on Instagram. It’s been so much fun thinking of photos that fit the daily prompts! I like that it gives me reason to use my camera on days I otherwise would’ve left it resting on my desk.
On the Blog
I spent a good part of the week consolidating my reading stats and assessing my half-year progress, so that didn’t leave me as much time to actually write blog posts. That’s why it’s been a slow week on the blog but that’s how it goes. When things need to be sorted out on the back end, the front end needs a break.
Blog Posts
Around the Blogosphere
Bloggers & Blogging
- Rachel @ Fiktshun speaks up on making a difference, particularly when bloggers feel they’re being crowded out by fellow bloggers.
- Amber @ The Mile Long Bookshelf draws attention to the sad truth about blogger email addresses being sold. Explains all the spam and random review requests for books that evidently are of zero interest to specific bloggers. After all, why would someone who hates paranormal romance want to read and review a paranormal book? Exactly.
- Dre @ Sporadic Reads shares tips on blog commenting, complete with thoughts from other bloggers as well.
- Shannelle @ The Art of Escapism turns the hype discussion on book blogs away from the books.
- Meg @ Adrift on Vulcan weighs the good and the bad of synopses.
- Miranda @ Tempest Books reiterates what Goodreads is lacking in. Things like half-stars, tracking re-reads and allowing book review drafts should be a given, according to many users, and yet they’re not standard features.
Rating & Reviewing
- Ames @ Literary Ames reflects on whether she compromised her integrity by reviewing free ARCs. Her conclusion: not really.
- Kristen @ My Friends Are Fiction wonders what it means when you can’t remember the details of a book you recently read, especially if you thought it was a great book.
- Christina @ Christina Reads YA considers how different book formats influence her reading approach.
- Kayla @ The Thousand Lives claims to be a rather forgiving reader because she doesn’t mind clichés at all, so long as they’re executed well.
Quote of the Week
That’s the funny thing about running—the deceptive thing about it. It may seem mindless but it’s really largely mental. If the mind’s not strong, the body acts weak, even if it’s not.
If the mind says it’s too cold or too rainy or too windy to run, the body will be more than happy to agree. If the mind says it would be better to rest, to recover or cut practice, the body will be glad to oblige.
—Jessica Carlisle, The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen
I finally found a book that I could relate to because of sports. There aren’t enough books like these, so I immediately borrowed it when I saw this in the Overdrive catalogue of my library. Whenever personal interests besides books and reading are mentioned in books, I get really excited and have to read those books pronto.
Kayla @ The Thousand Lives says
Awww I love that poem – it’s so sweet :) I missed that day – maybe I’ll make it up before August.
Oh, and I finished There Will Come a Time. THANK YOU for recommending it to me! Seriously, that book was exactly what I needed to read. It’s a new favorite for sure <3
Joséphine says
Do it! Constructing that poem was a lot of fun :D I tried coming up with another one though but couldn’t do it. Never mind, one nice one’s already something. Hoho.
YAY! I’m so glad you loved it. I was so worried you wouldn’t like it as much or that you’d be disappointed. Now I’m very relieved and also extremely happy ;)