Candle lit to celebrate the First Sunday of Advent
In My Life
Today is the First Sunday of Advent! Christmas is approaching and needless to say, Christmas is what I most look forward to at the moment.
On the whole I’ve been mighty busy with work, so I’ve not had the time to read and blog as much as I’d like. I write posts as when I have time and comment on the odd blog but other than that, I’ve pulled back a fair bit. I’m not even much on Twitter, so if you’ve missed me, I’m all good. Just really busy.
Oh! And it was Black Friday. I finally got round to ordering the 35mm lens I’ve been meaning to get for my camera. Sadly, it wasn’t on sale. On the bright side, I did save for it all these months. On the even brighter side, Jo Totes did have sales, so I ordered myself another camera bag. I got my first one two years ago also on Black Friday. Hah.
On the Blog
November 23rd
November 30th
Blog Posts
November 23rd
November 30th
- [25 Nov] Wishing for a Musical Instrument
- [29 Nov] Book Cover Culture #7: Cinder
- [30 Nov] Retrospect #47-48 (Double Edition): November 30th
Around the Blogosphere
Bloggers & Blogging
- Ashley @ Nose Graze interviewed Hazel from Stay Bookish about her design journey and services.
- Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity explains her choice not to swear on her blog. She’s right, our writing style should fit our (intended) audience.
- Ashley @ Nose Graze dissuaded bloggers from enabling CAPTCHA. Surprise, surprise, most of the commenters hate CAPTCHA — myself included.
- Sydney @ Utterly Bookish wrote about the importance of blogging how you want.
- Hazel @ Stay Bookish started interviewing book cover designers.
- Stormy @ Book. Blog. Bake. shared why she appreciates YA books without romance. These are some perfect reasons that also explain my preference for books not so focussed on romance.
- Tabitha @ Not Yet Read identified ways to beat the reading funk.
- Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity dislikes love triangles. The twist? It’s not for the usual reasons that many readers cite.
Song of the Week
In case you missed the first part of this post, it’s the First Advent today! And because we now officially are in the time of Advent before Christmas, it is only fitting to listen to Christmas music to get in the mood. One of my favourites is Callie and Colette’s version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen combined with O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
Oooh a 35mm is a fantastic lens! What f stop is it? I’ve been eying up a 20 and may cave at the beginning of next year…
Yes! I’ am so excited! :D Although, I have Nikon DX camera, so 35mm translates into 52.5mm. That’s the perfect focal length for everyday photography. Hoho. My 50mm lens photographs like 75mm, so it’s good for portraits, product photography (which is what I most use it for) and book photography. I’ve been wanting to carry around my camera more though, so I’ve been waiting for the right time to buy the 35mm lens.
Hmmmm. The minimum aperture is f/22, I think. I was more concerned with the maximum, f.1.8 for low light. Haha.
I hear ya, December is one of our busiest months too. Reading will be light for the next few weeks for me, but then January follows, and I pick up steam again :)
I’m pretty much permanently busy. Hahaha. Just a matter of drowning or hanging in there. I can’t wait for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, so I have time for myself again and of course, to read :)