In My Life
Time passes by so quickly! The last time I posted a Retrospect post was one month ago and so much has happened since then, I don’t even know where to begin.
The main reason I’ve been so MIA in the blogosphere lately is that my family moved a couple of weeks ago. Of course I had to spend time packing, actually moving and then unpacking. We’re almost settled down now, though I’ve still got a pile of things lying on around, waiting to find their permanent space.
All in all, I’m pleased because our new home is a lot more peaceful. It’s much quieter than our previous home, which is wonderful! I’m also loving the big workspace that my sister and I now have. Also, my bookshelf is looking pretty neat now with the colour arrangement now. I used to shelf by author for the longest time but given the square cubbies, there always were gaps that drove me crazy, so going with colours solved the problem of gaps.
On the Blog
Book Reviews
This week I reviewed Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, which has been my favourite book of The Lunar Chronicles so far. If you’ve only read Cinder and are apprehensive about continuing, I urge you to pick up Scarlet!
Blog Posts
The highlights on the blog over the past four weeks were Mise-en-scène and the 2015 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon. Though I also explained how to colour balance photos that are a bit more complex in their lighting.
Around the Blogosphere
Amidst all the things that went down over the past weeks, I’ve not had the chance to keep up with all the latest posts, so there aren’t any particular ones that I can say caught my eye. There there was one post I read today, which I think everyone should read and that’s about plagiarism.
Jessi @ Novel Heartbeat spoke out about plagiarism and Instagram. Copyright infringement is a serious issue that needs to be addressed starting with ourselves. Don’t post someone else’s photo without their permission and when you do, remember to credit!
Quote of the Week
She recognized the strange happiness that came from loving something without knowing why you did, that strange happiness that was sometimes so big that it felt like sadness. It was the way she felt when she looked at the stars.
— Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven Boys
Ahh, your shelves – the new organisation looks amazing! I love colour coded shelves. Hmm, correction. I love looking at shelves organised by colour, I don’t think I could ever do it with my own collection though!
Lol. I used to be very apprehensive about organising by colour too. I liked how cheery they were but how does one find that one blue book by what’s-his-name in series XYZ? But then I figured 200 odd books are still manageable by colour and the shelf adds a lot more cheer to a workspace :)