My parents gifted me with a KitchenAid stand mixer! It’s for Christmas and graduation but it took me a while to decide on the model I wanted and to find the best deal on it in town. Of course I spent more time baking then. The past week I baked wholemeal pita, German cheesecake and bread rolls. Very satisfying, I must say.
- [3 Feb] Origin by ★★★★½
- [6 Feb] On Writing in Books
- [8 Feb] Pirouette by Robyn Bavati ★★★
- [9 Feb] Retrospect #6: February 9th
I finally got round to cleaning up my blog on Tumblr this week. Mostly using it to reblog stuff I like, occasionally posting things I find, like images or quotes. Mostly bookish, of course. If you’re on Tumblr, look me up, so I can follow back.
- Judith @ Paper Riot airs her grievances about ARC envy. There really is no point to it, as she says. Sure, be a little jealous when someone has an ARC you wanted. It’s only natural. But after that, move on. Buy the book when it comes out, or borrow it from your library. It’s not like you’ve been denied the book altogether.
- Alice-Jane @ Crazy Red Pen talks about finding inspiration for blogging.
- Hazel @ Stay Bookish rants about when no one understands her love for books. But at least those of us who blog or read blogs about books do love books!
- Kelly @ Effortlessly Reading despairs because she usually feels like she has to own complete series. She just can’t bring herself to look at an incomplete series on her bookshelf.
- Jessi @ Novel Heartbeat explains why she tends to have problems with romance in YA. Gotta say, I agree with her but I wasn’t fully able to explain why romance is hit-and-miss for me. Wonderful explanation from Jessi!
- Stormy @ Book. Blog. Bake. compares her college experience with those portrayed in books.
- Amber @ Books of Amber celebrates the extensive presence of female protagonists in YA literature, not all too bothered by the female to male ratio in YA. She concedes that of course it good to have male protagonists as a balance but no matter, time to celebrate women!
- Sandra @ Tea Between Books posted Part I of a discussion series she intends to be all about comments.
In case you missed it, many Potter fans have been in uproar after J.K. Rowling allegedly said she regrets putting Hermione and Ron together, when Hermione and Harry would’ve made more sense. CNN picked up on it too and reports, JK Rowling says Hermione should have married Harry Potter, not Ron.
Personally, it didn’t bother me at all. What matter is that the books have been written, published and read by millions of people around the globe, both young and old. Rowling’s thoughts years after the conclusion of the series don’t change how they turned out.
- Sara @ The Page Sage maintains Hermione and Ron forever. But like she says, most of us probably didn’t read Harry Potter specifically for the romance.
- Lisa @ Breathe, Read, Relax thinks that when she rereads the books again, the idea of Harry and Hermione will be firmly lodged in her mind.
- Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity wishes that publishers would tell her when she’s quoted on a published book.
- Ana @ Read Me Away talks about books she doesn’t review.
- Nikki @ The Paper Sea considers what causes her to rate books with just one star.
- Natalie @ Natflix & Books talks about her DNF habits.
- Mime @ Notebook Sisters ponders upon why there are people who don’t read.
- Sana @ Artsy Musings of a Bibliophile claims she suffers from serial distress. It’s no wonder she has only finished reading five series in her life. Truth be told, I’m not any better.
- Mel @ The Daily Prophecy makes it clear for those who don’t understand why she loves rereading books. She smartly challenges everyone, “Do you listen to the same songs? I bet there is a song you often play on repeat?”
- Amy @ Tenpenny Dreams asks, when is it acceptable to call yourself a writer?
Tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Did you too go into uproar about J.K. Rowling’s revelation regarding Hermione’s romance with Ron over Harry? Or were you left unfazed like me?
Ooh yay for the KitchenAid stand mixer! I got one last year and I LOVE it. I use mine all the time. I probably use it the most to make shredded chicken. And I didn’t even realize that you could use it for that until like 6 months ago. It’s amazing.
Yay! I’m sure I’ll grow to love mine just as much :) But shredded chicken? You use an attachment for that?
Haha well I make a LOT of shredded chicken and it gets annoying to sit there with forks or your fingers and shred it all. So, yup, I use my kitchenaid because it takes two seconds! I just use the regular paddle attachment. I mean, it can’t really do full-size breasts, but if you cut the breasts into like 4 pieces and put the mixer on speed 4-5ish, it’ll have a whole batch done for you super quick. And if you want to make it into chicken salad or some kind of shredded chicken mixture with ingredients/spices, it’s really easy to just throw in the extra stuff and mix it in while it’s shredding.
Interesting. I never would’ve imagined using the mixer for this purpose! Haha. Thanks for sharing this tip, Miranda :D
Thank you for the link up! :D Yay for getting new kitchen gadgets, the food looks so good!
As for my thoughts on the Rowling interview, I didn’t have a strong reaction like other people. I do like Harry and Hermione together, but I didn’t declare and shout that from the tops of mountains. I kind of went “Oh, cool!” then moved on. :)
Gladly linked up! :) Yes, new kitchen gadgets alway make me happy. Especially when this means more good food to enjoy as a result :D
Yeah, all these strong reactions amused me more than anything because I couldn’t muster that strong a reaction in myself. Maybe because while I did enjoy the series for the most part, I’m not particularly a fan.
Those bread rolls look delicious!
And on a bookish note, I think Harry and Hermione would have been way too obvious. Although when I read the books, and even watching the films, romance wasn’t one of my primary thoughts regarding the unfolding stories.
They tasted delicious too :D
Yeah, that’s what a lot of people have been saying too. I can’t disagree with that. But I guess part of me would’ve wanted the obvious to happen because the obvious rarely ever happens in my own life. Whenever something looks like it’s going on this one track, it will not arrive where I think it will. Does that even makes sense? I sound like I’m speaking in riddles. Must be ’cause I’m supposed to be asleep right now. Heh.