Discussion posts are some of my favourite posts to read. New ideas get shared that way, or old ideas are revisited and given a new spin. And of course, I get to be my opinionated self as I hoist my views upon others, while pretending to be objective. Or maybe not. I do welcome alternate views and I’d love to hear from you in the comments!
As 2013 draws to a close, 2014 is almost upon us. For many this once again means coming up with New Year’s resolutions. I’m sure that for just as many, failing to keep them is not a foreign concept either. Seeing how I’ve only been into book blogging for a little over 6 months now, I thought revisiting my reasons for blogging would help guide me in coming up with resolutions I can actually keep and will still want to keep when October rolls around.
- I wanted to track the books I read. After years of reading I’m ashamed to report that I couldn’t pinpoint my reading preferences. I knew that I’ve mostly been an eclectic reader but I had to have preferences, right? Except, I couldn’t tell you what they were if you would’ve asked. Now I can see that I strongly tend towards Contemporary. Well, for the moment at least.
- I wanted to be able to look back on the books I’ve read without needing to reread them. Book synopses are rather useful in this aspect but sometimes they all start to sound the same. Noting down things that struck me seemed like a more foolproof method. Though when writing reviews, I do try to refrain from spoilers because I almost always hate spoilers myself.
- I figured reviewing books would hone my analytical skills. Figuring out what works in a book and what doesn’t and why seemed like a good way to flex my brain muscles a bit. Plus with all that essay writing and all those literature reviews I had to write for my university studies, doing it for fiction switched things up a little. At the same time, it trained my ability to recall details without constantly looking them up in their books. It also prompted me to take down notes while reading for future reference.
- I’m a visual person. This means that as much as Goodreads offers a splendid platform for my general purposes, I like information to be laid out on my terms. Allowing each review to have its own page appeases that need.
- The book blogging community. I only discovered that there was such a community a month or so after I set up my own blog. Sure, I was aware that other book lovers out there set up their own blogs but I didn’t really go looking. For some reason I expected everyone to be an island of some sort. I was wrong. Book bloggers love to connect with other book bloggers, and book lovers as a whole. I want to connect. My little island has slowly sailed towards mainland but it has not quite become part of it yet. Baby steps.
- A place to post discussions. When I was younger I used to get on everybody’s nerves because I wouldn’t let them finish talking. I always had to share my own thoughts and opinions, no matter if it was my turn to speak or not. Fear not, I have toned down a lot since those days but I still have opinions and I still like to share them. Since this is my blog, I can share them whenever I like. On the bright side, I’m not in anybody’s way and when others decide to comment on my discussion posts, I know that they are genuinely interested in what I have to say.
- Share my love for books. Besides my sister, I don’t know anyone who reads as much as I do, much less reads YA books. Perhaps it’s because the people I hang out with I mostly know through sports, so our shared interests predominantly involve sports. Sadly then I rarely am involved in bookish exchanges with others.
These reasons are what I want to keep in mind when thinking about what I expect out of 2014 for my blog. First and foremost, I want to have fun blogging. A lot of bloggers have been on hiatus lately, citing pressure and stress as contributing factors. I don’t want to reach that stage. At the same time, I do want to keep at contributing regular content to keep my blog alive. Maybe I will introduce a wider variety of features, so I don’t fall into a slump.
Communication is key. I don’t want to keep talking to a wall. Neither do I want to remain an island. Establishing connections though is my job. I can’t expect others to know I exist without making my existence known. To make my existence known, I need to comment more on other blogs instead of holing myself up here. It’s not just about letting others know I exist though. It’d be nice to get to know some like-minded people a little better. Y’know? Break out of my shell.
When it comes to reading, I want to challenge myself a little more. I also want to extend the resolve I made last year to read more non-fiction as well. Fiction-wise, I will stick to YA but I also would like to venture out to more adult fiction too. Looks like I need to set a higher number of books as my reading target to achieve all that.
Anyway, I have yet to come up with my measurable resolutions. I will keep thinking about them and what I do want to achieve before compiling a cohesive list. Hopefully I manage to do so in time for New Year’s.
If you have a book blog, why do you blog? Also, what are your resolutions for 2014? Be it in terms of blogging or in terms of reading? Suggestions are also welcome!
Anya says
Speaking of finding new people :D I love reviewing books and helping my readers decide what to add to their reading pile in addition to stalking other blogs to find out what books I should look into. I never would have picked up half the books I read this year if it wasn’t for the blogging community :D
Joséphine @ Dudette Reads says
Hello new person! ;)
I think I only picked a handful of books to read because I saw them on a blog. Turns out my library is extremely up to date, so I found a few books there before realising they were popular in the blogosphere. Haha. But yeah, I like seeing what others think of all these books. As for next year, I think I’ll find more books through blogging than before. I’m already excited about that :D And about meeting new people too :D
Jade @ Bits & Bobs says
You’ve really put some thought in to your resolutions for 2014 – as one should put thought in to their goals. Blogging should definitely be a fun thing and not a chore – I have had problems with that in the past. The book blogging community is amazing too! People are so nice! I love interacting with others within the community – even though I’m not solely a book blog. I wish you the best of luck with your blog and succeeding with your resolutions for 2014.
Joséphine @ Dudette Reads says
Thank you! I’m greatly encouraged :) I think it’s cool when bloggers manage to balance a mix of interests in one blog. I’ve been thinking of incorporating some baking-related stuff but I’ll probably just end up setting up another blog instead. Lol.
Shannelle C. says
I think it’s a wonderful idea to make your resolutions based on why you started blogging in the first place.
And I think your resolutions are great too, and I hope you finish them. I’m not bothering to make any because I know I won’t be able to follow through with them.
Joséphine @ Dudette Reads says
Well, lists help me keep my thoughts organized, so even though I’m not planning on making any personal resolutions, I did think it fitting to come up with some blogging ones.
Sophie says
Great post, Joséphine! I started my blog for the same reasons you did, although with a bigger emphasis on improving my writing skills. Like you, I also want to have fun blogging – I want to be able to relax and enjoy myself on the blogosphere, and if I get stressed, what’s the point of doing it?
I applaud you for your resolve to read a wider variety of books in 2014! My main bookish and non-bookish resolution is to look on the positive side of things, whether it be for the books I read or for events that happen online or in real life. (This also goes along with the “have fun blogging” idea, haha.)
Loving your new theme, by the way. And and hope you had a great Christmas, and happy New Year! :)
Joséphine @ Dudette Reads says
Yes, blogging definitely helps improve writing skills! I’ve been blogging for years, so book reviewing was a way to up the ante for me. Hoho. But yes, first and for most, we do this for fun, so it should remain fun!
Ooh. Positive side of things for books. Sounds intriguing. Like, do you mean you want to look at the good things you gained from reading a book even if you disliked it, for example?
Awwww. Thank you so much for noticing! :D I’m not completely done yet but my blog finally looks 90% how I had imagined it should look when I first started out. But since I don’t know PHP, I’ve felt incredibly stuck. Finally got around that though, so I’m really happy!
I did have a lovely Christmas with my close family. Hope you had a good one as well and happy New Year to you too, Sophie! :)
Sophie says
Yup, that’s exactly it; even if I don’t like a book, there’s gotta be something good about it that other people might like, right?
And good luck with the PHP! I know next to nothing about web design, so kudos to you for working it out! :)