Epic Recs is back! Well, delayed, more like it but whatever. What matters is that Olena and I are still alive and kicking, and we did pick out recommendations for each other this month. I just didn’t post this earlier because I didn’t have access to the book yet and I didn’t know how I long I would still need to wait. I had the ebook reserved the day Olena emailed me and now I finally have it in my hands. Well, as much in my hands as a digital file can be.
This time round, I picked There Will Come a Time by Carrie Arcos. I liked it a lot and thought it was a very moving story. Kayla decided to read it to thanks to my rec via Instagram and loved it, so I’m thinking this book might just be a winner for Olena as well.
I in turn will start reading The Distance Between Us by Kasie West tomorrow. She figured it’s a good summer read. I’m happy to read books that match the seasons, so let’s see how this one goes for me.
I actually seem to be in the minority for West’s books in that I liked On the Fence more than TDBU. But they were both still really great, and she does have that ability to make me laugh at books, which is harder and harder to do for me, these days.
I hope you like The Distance Between Us; I still haven’t read any of West’s contemporaries, and I’m still trying to decide!
I, of course, completely agree with There Will Come a Time ;)
I finished reading The Distance Between US and was pleasantly surprised! It’s one of those books that made me literally laugh out loud in my room when I was alone at home reading. I rarely do that. I usually keep my laughter in and simply smirk. This was different in a good way :D