Initially The Raven King was set to release on September 29 but then the publication date was postponed to next year. Knowing that I didn’t get to hold the conclusion to The Raven Cycle this week after all made me sad. It stands to reason that even though I’ve yet to read The Raven King, I immediately associated it with this week’s theme of tears.
What book brought you to tears?
Visit Georgie’s blog to see what book embodies tears to her. If you’re participating in Mise-en-scène, remember to leave your link in the linky widget down below!
Mise-en-scène is a weekly feature/meme that Georgie and I created to challenge ourselves in (bookish) photography.
Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity says
Can you imagine if TRK HAD been release on September 29? We’d have all read it, and we’d know what had happened to our precious darlings and just *sigh*
As for books that have brought me to tears … there aren’t a lot of them. But one that I will name is CHAMPION by Marie Lu. I was crying so hard in that book I couldn’t even see the words on the page in front of me. I adore it to no end <3
(As always, beautiful photo, Jo)
Maraia says
I’m hoping that The Raven King brings tears of joy when my ship sails. ;)
The later Harry Potter books definitely brought me to tears.
isha @ two sisters bloggin' says
your book photography is goals! speaking of the raven cycle series i still have to actually take pics of them for my drafted reviews lol.
xxx isha