What’s the Purpose of Preview?
I’ve decided to take it upon myself to document all the books I read around the time that I start reading them. While reviews are a great way to reflect on what we have read, that’s just it. We talk about books after the fact. We forget the excitement of opening a new book and immersing ourselves into a new world. I hope to capture those moments henceforth.
Currently Reading: Shadow and Bone
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo has been on my TBR pile since last year but I put off reading it for the vainest reason: I wanted to own a matching set of the trilogy. The edition I had chosen was the UK paperbacks published by Orion Books. That purple cover of Shadow and Bone completely won me over! Trouble is, this particular edition of Ruin and Rising (the third book) will only be released June 4, 2015.
Since I wasn’t prepared to wait a year to finish reading the series after starting, I put off starting the trilogy. I know there still are 71 days to go until the publication of this particular edition that I want. However, I decided not to put off The Grisha trilogy any longer. I’m taking part in the Bookish Games: The Grisha Edition hosted by Oh, the Books! I don’t want to be totally clueless.
Amazingly, I have managed to shelter myself from any sort of spoilers. All I know are fantasy, Russian influence and the Darkling. That’s basically it for the key words. When it comes it hyped up books, I’m always glad when I know practically nothing going in, so it was a wonderful feeling when I read the prologue over the weekend.
Now excuse me as I dive back into the book and look for more balalaika music on YouTube. Trust me, it’s kinda soothing and it adds to the atmosphere of the book!
Edited December 3, 2016: Renamed Unveiled to Preview for clarity.
I love the cover I have for Shadow and Bone, but I also seriously love the purple cover! If I ever ran across it I would pick it up in a heartbeat! (I know I could probably order it online, but that’s less fun ;))
Personally, I very much prefer the purple cover because I like vibrant colours :)
Lol. Why less fun? I mostly order online, which is cheaper and allows me to buy an extra book for every four to five books that I buy compared to buying at brick and mortar stores.
I seriously love this purple cover! I think it’s a great color for the series, and I’m so glad you’ve decided to start reading it :)
The purple cover was a whole lot more eye-catching to me compared to the grey cover. Haha. I think that’s what finally made me decide to buy it when I did xD