Alright, non-stop reading is a probably an exaggeration. But I’m embarking on my personal read-a-thon today. In the very least, this means more reading than I would otherwise accomplish in the same period of time.
Technically I meant to start this on Saturday but I wasn’t feeling all too well over the weekend. I also spent a fair bit of time preparing things for work, so I didn’t have the time I had initially expected either. Even today, I crashed in my bed for almost three hours after I got home but I do feel much better.
I don’t think I’ll keep updating my progress on the blog because I don’t want to clog everyone’s feed readers or email inboxes. My updates will be on Instagram or Tumblr, save for my final wrap-up post. Just know that for the coming two/three weeks, reading takes priority over blogging for me. Whatever it is, Day 1 wasn’t too shabby after all.
Day 1 Progress
Finished: The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith
Started: Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
Pages read: 226
Nuzaifa @ Say It with Books says
I’ve only done the Bout of Books read-a-thon and that was immense fun!
I like the idea of a personal read-a-thon though-The only tip I have is to read only when you feel like it. I haven’t read any of the books that you’ve lined up but I hope you enjoy them all! :D
Aimee @ Deadly Darlings says
Wooohoo! Good luck, Josephine. :D I’m a partially slow reader (I get distracted and have to stop every few hours), so I’m not sure if I should be giving advice. ;) Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be able to read a lot!
Sophie says
Ooh, good luck Joséphine! :) I’ve done unintentional read-a-thons in which I just finished the entire series, but I’ve never tried reading extremely different books one after another. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Breathe, Annie, Breathe!
Mel@thedailyprophecy says
I like read-a-thons. I did a couple of them last year, but now I’ve been busier so I’ve only done one this year. It’s such a fun way to motivate yourself to read a little more. Good luck :D
Kayla @ The Thousand Lives says
I’ve never done a read-a-thon before, but I love seeing other people participate in them :) You’ve got some great books on that pile – Free to Fall was AMAZING, and Breathe Annie Breathe was such a sweet book; it put a huge smile on my face.
Annie says
Ooh this is a good idea! I did this in the summer and while I didn’t read a TON or as much as I planned, still fun. Quite interested to see what you thought of the Geography of You and Me as I quite liked it. And tell me what you think of Isla! Still have not read it yet…
Finley Jayne says
I’ve done a few readathons but never a personal one-love this idea! Good luck with your reading over the next few days-can’t wait for a final update!