As the years go by, birthdays tone down a whole lot. Gone are the parties to which large circles of friends were extended. Presents become a rarity and on the whole, that “special” day passes like any other. Case in point, nothing out of the ordinary happened yesterday, though I did bake a walnut cake.
Reading My Heart Out with Bout of Books 16
Love-A-Thon 2016: Book Spine Poetry
Book spine poetry is always so much fun to do. Naturally, I was stoked that it’s been included as a challenge again this year. To see more poems, be sure to visit all the blogs linked up on Alexa’s post. Be sure to visit Alexa’s lovely co-hosts too who together made this year’s Love-A-Thon possible: Mel from The Daily Prophecy, Hazel from Stay Bookish and Cee from The Novel Hermit.
Love-A-Thon 2016 Introduction
Tracking Bout of Books 15
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