Rounding up #RavenBoysWeek we have the fabulous Jess from My Reading Dress. She reflected on my favourite character, Gansey. On the surface he seems to have it all but he too isn’t perfect. And really, it’s the imperfections of people that spin stories worth reading.
The Raven Cycle in More Than Words
Even though Georgie and I are both bloggers, we struck up our friendship through Instagram due to our mutual love for photography. Her visual talents extend far beyond mine as she has knack for (digital) design. This is why I’m thrilled to share a couple of montages she made with quotes from The Raven Cycle. For all the words that were dedicated to the raven boys this week, images too can portray their greatness.
Ronan Lynch: Hella Gay & Why it’s a Good Thing
Where would books be without the fandom? For the uninitiated, Pynch is the backbone of The Raven Cycle fandom. Of course I had to invite Chiara from Books for a Delicate Eternity to talk about it. After all, she is pursuing her postgraduate studies to become an LGBTQ+ youth worker. She also writes LGBTQ+ fiction, of which you can find out more at her author website.