Sana also loves her playlists, so she’s the most qualified person I know to curate the unreleased tracks to The Raven Boys, especially if they were a boy band. Personally, I love her selection for The Raven Boys playlist.
Make no mistake, Sana is the book pushing queen. As much as Artsy Musings of a Bibliophile sports a minimalist look, when it comes to books, Sana is anything but. She christened the hashtag #lynchdam, so Crini and her could officially flood everyone’s feeds with all things raven boys.
Sana practically lives on Twitter and Goodreads but also frequently checks in on Instagram.
Disclaimer: Post may contain mild implicit spoilers.
When Jo asked me to write a The Raven Cycle themed post and then suggested a playlist, my mind almost spinned. Even though I like listening to songs that remind me of my favorite characters (ahem, POLARHEART’s Hypnotise), I know it’ll take me years to transfer all of my feelings regarding them into a playlist. But it’s not so hard to do it when the goal is to convey what the series is all about. So just like the Murder Squash song that we may never get to listen to, my playlist is of the same sort.
Circular // Jet Packers
Circular is a song that reflects the eerie and quiet ambiance of The Raven Cycle series perfectly. A melody that softly soars through the atmosphere as Blue and her raven boys hunt for the sleeping king takes them to far off hills, hidden ley lines, and strange caves.
Supernatural // Zero Day
Supernatural is about all things paranormal from Blue’s strengthening powers to the psychic powers of the women at 300 Fox Way. The rock tune mixed in with a little soul is what makes Supernatural so very raven-y to me.
Body Parts // Feminist 21
A song about women empowerment and feminism that fits the Sargent women really well. Maura Sargent is a wise mother who knows when Blue needs her to be a mother and when, a friend. She is there for Blue, but Blue isn’t really aware just how much until Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Body Parts is obviously indie because that’s how the Sargents roll.
I’m Home // Disclosure
Richard Gansey III knows how to put others at ease even if it’s at the expense of his comfort. As he struggles with his insomnia, not fighting with Adam, and making sure Ronan is doing fine, he’s really just trying to survive however he can despite death being so close to him at all times. Moreover, he found a home in Henrietta which he thought he never would. Mostly, I’m Home defines what it’s like to be Richard Gansey III.
The Dreamer // Rockbottom
The Dreamer is a song about Ronan Lynch and his life as it was before Niall Lynch and after Niall Lynch. It encompasses everything that he is and the secrets he lives with. (Yes, the song is punk and not as unbearable as the Murder Squash song.)
Fix Me // Blue Afternoons
Fix Me is Adam Parrish, army of one. Coming from poverty and hard times, Adam really thinks that he’s all alone and anything that Gansey has to offer is a result of his pity, it’s him with Blue, it’s him whenever he muses anything about Ronan. Fix Me is really Adam of the whole series because the song is a plea that he doesn’t know he is seeking for until the end of Blue Lily, Lily Blue.
Ghostlight // Vanish
Noah Czerny is someone who’s not really there among the raven boys but he exists, in his own way. Ghostlight is a hip hop song that reflects the ridiculous, fun as well as a very despaired sides of Noah.
Losing Battle // Dissolvers
This song is a Bluesey (or Doomed) song. Losing Battle is about how Gansey is Blue’s true love and just like the slow burn of their (doomed) romance, the song comes moves forward sleepily like the Pig being driven on a dark, dark Henrietta night.
Blood and Gasoline // Twin Magicians
Blood and Gasoline is a Pynch song through and through. I really feel that Adam is in constant pain that Ronan really gets. They’re both in awe of each other, of each other’s faces and actions and swear words that this song is them from start to finish. It’s them in the church, it’s them in the supermarket, it’s them, it’s them, it’s them. (Now, don’t you wish it was real).
squash one
squash two
squash three
squash foue
your skulls not as hard as the boots i bore
I’m actually relative new to the joy of finding songs that perfectly suit a book’s tone, a plot point or even a beloved character. But just going through this entire list of songs made me feel intense TRC feels – and that’s an excellent thing. You’ve captured its essence (and that of its characters) so perfectly well, Sana!
Grrrrr. I meant RELATIVELY new.
What a cool idea! Reading it made me want to give them all hugs. (Although let’s be honest, I always want to give them hugs.) I think you nailed them all. Besides (obviously) Blood and Gasoline, I would probably listen to Losing Battle on repeat and cry.