Fantasy is a genre that I’m fairly new to. For most of my life I almost exclusively read contemporary fiction (minus my sixth grade obsession with mystery books). It’s only a couple of years ago that my genre tastes turned eclectic. It was when I discovered the online book community (review sites, book blogs & booktube) that I found myself becoming anchored more in fantasy\y. Since then my bookshelves have come to house a vast selection of fantasy books as well.
While I’ve yet to read a whole bunch of books I own, I find solace in the variety of genres that exist today. They’ve opened up the creative in storytelling, even if each genre has its common tropes and clichés. Crossing over also has expanded my worldview because I’ve come to discover a lot of new ideas. Besides, the beauty of stumbling into a different genre from your own is that there’re so many new stories, reading never gets boring.
Which genre do you love to read?
Visit Georgie’s Instagram account, @whatshereads to see her take on genre. If you’re participating in Mise-en-scène, remember to leave your link in the linky widget down below!
Fantasy is my one true love. Although my first love – and the books that got me into reading – was horse novels (and they’ll forever have a spot in my heart), I did grow up with fantasy and science fiction, thanks to my Dad. When I was four, I was the biggest Star Trek fangirl a four year old could be, devoured the first couple of Harry Potter books in a matter of days when I was 8 or 9 (unfortunately I can’t pinpoint that), followed by a gazillion other fantasy novels and LotR at age 11. I never stopped. Actually, until I started blogging, I read next to no contemporary novels. It’s just that for me, reading is escaping reality, not being confronted with it.
Fantasy has to be my favorite genre to read, though contemporary is slowly catching up! We actually had the opposite journey. I read mostly fantasy as a young girl (with the exception of BSC and Sweet Valley), and only really started reading contemporary again when I started blogging. I love that there’s a wealth of genres we can pick and choose our reads from though!
First of all, what a stunning photo! I rarely read YA fantasy, but I’ve made more of an effort to try it this year. So far, so good! Your picture has given me some excellent recommendations :)
Well, all of the books in that stack are on my TBR pile. But the synopses sounded interesting when I bought these books or they came highly recommended :)
I love fantasy as well, there’s just that allure of a world so different to our own and you can really go to town with the characters and their experiences :)
This is precisely why I’ve taken to reading more fantasy than I’ve ever read before! :D