I can hardly describe the overwhelming disappointment that The Treatment brought me. I know I wasn’t a fan of The Program but I did like it for the concept. Still, I had problems with it because of the many unanswered questions The Program left me with. I pegged them as cliffhangers, so I expected The Treatment answer them, particularly the ones about the suicide epidemic that wrought this society. Did I get those answers? Hardly. The big issues were glossed over so much, I was mad at the end of the book. To me, The Treatment hardly contributed to the duology. It would’ve been better left unread.
THE RULES FOR DISAPPEARING (The Rules for Disappearing #1) by Ashley Elston
I’m not sure what it is with me and endings. I noticed that every now and then I get really engrossed in a book, thinking I’ve found one I really enjoy, only to be disappointed by the ending. Maybe it has something to do with cliffhangers? When I first picked up The Rules for Disappearing,…
THE PROGRAM by Suzanne Young
Suicide as an epidemic and how society deals with it—perfect premise of a work of fiction for a sociology student like me. Perhaps then my opinions on this book are unfair because I am weighing them against my academic background. But I can’t help it; after years of studying sociology, it has come to influence…