To Kill a Kingdom is a fantasy standalone done right. Even better, it is so much more than I had envisioned!
ALL THAT SHE CAN SEE by Carrie Hope Fletcher
All That She Can See is the kind of whimsical that fills you with warmth and puts a smile on your face. In some ways, it reminded me of the TV show Pushing Daisies because (1) pies! and (2) the main character uses her abilities to for intended good. However, the interpretation of “good” is dependent on the larger impact that Cherry isn’t fully aware of. So yes, if like me, you’re a fan of Pushing Daisies, I do recommend giving All That She Can See a go.
THE WELL OF ASCENSION by Brandon Sanderson
There Will Come a Time was such a great book for me. I know it’s supposed to be a very sad book as it deals with the the loss of a twin in a car crash. For what it’s worth though, I enjoyed There Will Come a Time very much. It was so moving due to the emotions that were palpable throughout the book.
THE TREATMENT (The Program #2) by Suzanne Young
I can hardly describe the overwhelming disappointment that The Treatment brought me. I know I wasn’t a fan of The Program but I did like it for the concept. Still, I had problems with it because of the many unanswered questions The Program left me with. I pegged them as cliffhangers, so I expected The Treatment answer them, particularly the ones about the suicide epidemic that wrought this society. Did I get those answers? Hardly. The big issues were glossed over so much, I was mad at the end of the book. To me, The Treatment hardly contributed to the duology. It would’ve been better left unread.