In My Life
New Bookish Instagram Account
This week I created an Instagram account for Word Revel. I’ve been wanting to join all those bookish photo challenges and have fun with photo tags, so I figured it was about time. Even though I’ve had an Instagram account all along, it’s a personal account that I set to private, so opening that one up wasn’t an option for me. Either way, my username’s wordrevel, in case you wanna look me up.
Kindle Paperwhite Dilemma
Instagram aside, I’ve had a bit of a dilemma. Yes, the book nerd kind. Should I buy the current Kindle Paperwhite or wait for the next generation? I had the first generation Paperwhite, which I liked very much, but gave to my dad. After trial reading on it for a few days, he decided he enjoyed reading his ebooks on it so much more than on his iPad. Now he has the Kindle, and I have none. Technically I can still read ebooks on my iPad but when it comes to novels, I rather not. I love the iPad screen for image-heavy ebooks but when it comes to fiction, the Paperwhite was my go-to device.
So, what say you? Buy the second generation Kindle Paperwhite or wait for the third generation (whenever that one will be on the market)?
On the Blog
Blog Posts
- [23 Jun] Retrospect #24-25 (Double Edition): June 22nd
- [27 Jun] Books are Objects of Cultural Consumption
- [29 Jun] Retrospect #26: June 29th
Around the Blogosphere
Bloggers & Blogging
- Ashley @ Nose Graze talks about ways to clean up the SEO if your Goodreads reviews outrank your reviews from your own blog.
- Kelsey @ Verbosity Book Reviews gives tips on how to avoid blogging burnouts.
Fun Stuff
- Take the bookish quiz Asti @ Oh, the Books! put together to find out if you could survive the Bookish Games.
- Nikki @ The Paper Sea tends to read novellas last if they’re part of a series. She’s curious when most people read them, if they even bother. Personally, I’ve not read any novellas, so I’ve yet to find out what my strategy will be.
- Stormy @ Book. Blog. Bake. insists that the reading police doesn’t exist. Nobody should have to defend their reading preferences to anyone.
Quote of the Week
Nothing of worth happens without effort.
—Mark Santos, There Will Come a Time by Carrie Arcos
Sophie says
Loving your Instagram pictures! :D I don’t have an account myself, but I discovered Arie Turner (arieturner) a few weeks back and am totally stalking her Instagram, haha. As for Kindles, I guess it depends on how desperate you want an e-reader? The 2nd generation might get cheaper right before the newer one comes out too.
Joséphine says
Thank you, Sophie! :D Does this mean you visit Instagram accounts via your browser? I find it much more convenient to follow people from the app. Haha. I already found Arie Turner thanks to Hazel who featured Arie. I love her photos! As for the Kindle, I think I’ll wait. I just discovered the Marvin app for my iPad and it is wonderful. The only think missing now is the e-ink screen. But that’s a good point about the possibility of a cheaper 2nd gen. I’ll look into that when the time comes. Great suggestion! :)
Sophie says
Yup, I always visit on a computer. I can never do anything besides calling/texting on my phone (and the occasional e-mail-checking) because the screen’s so small! And oops, I should’ve mentioned that I found Arie Turner through the same way, haha. Marvin looks awesome, wish I had an Apple device ahh!
Mel@thedailyprophecy says
I follow you on Instagram now :D I have NO knowledge about Kindles, since I own a Kobo, but if you don’t even know when the new one comes on the market, I would say go for this generation :) I can’t live without an e-reader anymore, haha.
Joséphine says
Yay to Instagram! :D
I’m totally with you. At this point I feel like I need an e-reader. My iPad works well enough but that e-ink technology is so much easier on the eyes. The past two years Kindle Paperwhites were announced in September, so technically two more months would be bearable without an e-reader, I think…
Tabitha (Not Yet Read) says
I am addicted to instagram – just followed you woohoo!
Joséphine says
I followed you too! As I said on Twitter, I’m loving your drawings ;)
Amy M. says
Oh gosh… Your Kindle Paperwhite dilemma is a hard one. I think it may not come out until fall-ish or winter? They’ve just announced their new phone. So that’s probably it until then, I’m guessing. So if you can wait until fall, I’d say there’s no harm in waiting. With that being said. I have the current Kindle Paperwhite model. I technically didn’t need it because I do have another e-reader, but I bought it when Amazon sent me a deal where it was only like $45 or something. It was too good too pass up. I love my Kindle Paperwhite. It’s great for eARCs for sure. So I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with the current model. Plus I’m not quite sure how much you can update an e-reader. Improve e-ink technology? Better lighting? More font options? Nothing super big like with tablets and such. Ultimately I don’t think you can go wrong either way.
Joséphine says
Yeah, I’m hoping for a September announcement. Two months of waiting isn’t too bad since I can technically still read ebooks and eARCs on my iPad. It’s just the uncertainty at the back of my mind that keeps nagging. Haha.
Well, if I were to chance upon a deal like that, I’d pounce on it too. Heh. Software-wise, a lot of updates might just be added to the current model. I’m just wondering about the rumours of an improved dpi display. If that does come to fruition this year, I’d definitely like to have it. The crisper the display, the better after all…