Some might find it difficult to read a book about bullying from the perspective of the one who bullied. That is exactly the perspective that Tease offers. It is not a book that can be taken lightly. Neither is it a book about a victim of bullying who overcomes her plight. No, it is a story about the bully after her victim committed suicide.
PIROUETTE by Robyn Bavati
Once in a while I pick up a book solely because of the author. I’ve read a book by that author before, loved it and decided to just go ahead and read whatever comes next. That’s how it went for Pirouette. Besides knowing that this book revolves around dance (I mean, duh, the title and…
ORIGIN by Jessica Khoury
Truth be told, I picked up Origin only because I saw the cover of Vitro, which I thought was gorgeous. I loved it the moment I laid my eyes on it and when I learnt that it’s the second book in the series, I decided I had to read the first, so I would have a reason to hold the pretty white cover with the test-tube that contains clear blue seawater and and island. Shallow, maybe. But what does it matter if a cover makes me pick up a book?