Hotel bar converted into a library
In My Life
Malaysia for a Week
I got to spend a week on vacation in Penang, Malaysia. It was a “do nothing” sort of holiday with my parents. We didn’t do much travelling around, opting to simply enjoy having no commitments. While there was very heavy rain on some days, we still had some sunny days, perfect for the beach.
One cool thing we spotted was that one of the hotels along the beach converted a bar into an informal library. Guests may take any book to read or leave theirs behind when they’re done with them. I think it’s pretty neat that they made books so readily accessible to all the guests.
Other than vacationing, I’m spending the weekend with friends, revelling in the festivities of the Christmas season. That means parties, concerts and generally chilling. Also, my Broke & Bookish Secret Santa present arrived and I love how much thought and effort went into my box of gifts. I’ll definitely share photos in the coming days.
On the Blog
Book Reviews
Some of you might recall the controversy that surrounded the movie Blue is the Warmest Color. All around the world there were decisions to be made about screening and whether or not to cut scenes. Well, that got my attention and made me want to read the graphic novel. It captured the sensitivities of homosexuality in the 1990s well and was very touching. For those of you looking to read more LGBTQ literature, Blue is the Warmest Color is a good book.
Looking at the books I loved most this year, The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer very clearly emerged as my favourite series of the year. All four books that I read in 2015 are currently part of my top 20. Naturally, I’m extremely happy to report that Winter is my favourite of them all.
Blog Posts
For many of us, December brings darker days with it through Winter or the Monsoon season. That’s why I shared a photography tutorial on how to achieve even light when taking photos beside a window. I also shared more photos from the Frankfurt Book Fair in Vol. 4, focusing on the books.
As usual, I compiled a list of YA books that released over the past week and shared my Mise-en-scène photo. The theme is bookmarks.
Around the Blogosphere
- Alicia @ Kernels of Nonsense voiced her displeasure over the cover redesign of The Winner’s Curse series by Marie Rutkoski. This prompted her to take a look at terrible and great cover re-designs.
- Josie @ Josie’s Book Corner tackled the notion of parents in YA novels.
Book Lists
- Aentee @ Read at Midnight compiled a list of 5 books you should read before going to Japan.
- Rosie @ Rosie Reads introduced her top ten reads of 2015.
- Paloma @ Pages and Pineapples collected her thoughts on 5 famous authors she read for the first time in 2015.
- Lola @ Lola’s Ramblings reflected on the cozy mystery books that she has read this year.
- Beks @ Novel Dreams picked out her fantasy series that blew her socks off.
Readers’ Lives
- Nellie @ Nellie and Co. only re-reads books during the Christmas season.
- Cora @ Rattle the Pages requested feedback on read-a-thonalongs. She would like to host one next years and wants to know what you look for in such events.
- AJ Sterkel @ Read All the Things wants to get off the hype train.
- Mitchii @ Rainy Ink visited Kinokuniya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Cait @ Paper Fury outlined how to conquer the library.
Blogging, Reviewing & Social Media
- Stephanie @ These Paper Hearts demonstrated the usefulness of Pinterest to book bloggers.
- Mishma @ Chasing Fairytales declared, when things get chaotic, take a break!
- Beck @ Pretty Deadly Blog is still trying to figure out when the best time is to post ARC reviews.
- Nick @ Nereyada are taking submissions for #BloggerConfessions.
- Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight asked, does your mood affect your rating?
- Harvey @ Bookmarked expressed why memes aren’t the best way to grow blogs.
- Vlora @ Reviews and Cake posed a question to bloggers: do you review a lot of books you didn’t like?
- Silvara @ Fantasy of the Silver Dragon lamented that post titles are hard.
- Jessica @ Bookish Serendipity showed how to request e-ARCs on Edelweiss for book bloggers.
- Ashley @ Nose Graze collated responses to what book bloggers think about making money.
- Harvey @ Bookmarked discussed thoughts on sidebars. Evidently, I’m not a fan. I’ve kept my content entered for almost two years now.
- Amber @ The Mile Long Bookshelf shed light on how she deals with hate online.
- Dana @ The Unprinted Protagonist interviewed Francesca Zappia on Made You Up, stigmas and bullying.
- Tracy @ Cornerfolds talked about how to disagree respectfully.
Penang!?! Did you enjoy the food there? I’m born in Malaysia, but moved to Australia a couple of years ago, and whenever I go back to Malaysia, I always eat loads!
Awesome recap! I love when bloggers share posts and I keep forgetting to add those to our recap. I think my main problem is that I don’t check my bloglovin feed every day so I don’t know whats going on until I check my feed like a week later. Goal for 2016 is to be better at my feed!
Lovely blog :)
I want to repurpose my whole HOSUE INTO A LIBRARY. Weirdly my family keeps disagreeing to this suggestion?! BAH. They have no priorities.😂
I need to check out this photography tutorial and oohhh click on like ALL the links. :D
And I love your photo of Night Circus! LOVE <3
I love that idea of the bar-turned-into-library. I have never seen something like that. The only cool bookish place I know is a church that was turned into a bookstore. I’ve been there was and it was great to walk around.
It sounds like you had a really calming and relaxing vacation, how nice :)!