I think The Almost Truth is a great book for times when nothing but a light-hearted book will do. We all know those days when we want to read but our minds just won’t focus on anything that requires us to think all too much for ourselves. Not to knock The Almost Truth for being…
OUT OF THE EASY by Ruta Sepetys
Historical Fiction is not usually my preferred genre. Unless the history that is involved is from two centuries ago or so, then I’m more likely to reconsider picking up such a book. Recent history though is not one of my preferences when it comes to fiction. Maybe I’m still hung on choosing to study History…
INTENTIONS by Deborah Heiligman
Rachel, as with everyone else in the community, adored Rabbi Cohn. He was her role model and a seemingly charming man. Whenever he led services, she would lap up every single word he said. In her eyes, he was perfect and he could do no wrong. That is, until the day she reached the temple…