Sunflowers in February is at its core a morbid book. Lily was in a car accident and woke up dead. Death is never an easy topic to face. What comes after death though, is a question I’m sure many of us do wonder about. Sunflowers in February grappled with exactly that, as Lily was in limbo, unable to move on.
For the most part, I actually enjoyed I Believe in a Thing Called Love. Though, I must admit, I’m not into K-dramas, I still loved the cultural aspects. There are a lot of similarities between East and Southeast Asian cultures, so many aspects of Desi’s way of life felt familiar to me. However, her levels of being a control freak far exceeded that of anyone I know or have met. That’s exactly where hilarity ensued because things went way over the top with her.
WINDFALL by Jennifer E. Smith
Windfall is a book that’s bound to appeal to fans of slow burn romance. There’s no love at first sight, but feelings that Alice harboured for years on end. Friendships came first, which I enjoyed, and all that followed unfolded at good pace. I have to say, of the four books I’ve read by Jennifer E. Smith, Windfall is my favourite so far. The character development was solid, even if the characters themselves weren’t the most likeable.
FAKING FAITH by Josie Bloss
Faking Faith dealt with themes that always fascinate me: religion and the Internet. Weaving them together in one book is practically a guarantee that I’ll read it. Thankfully Josie Bloss did not disappoint me with her book. There were some aspects that could’ve been developed better but as a whole, I did enjoy it, if…
OUT OF THE EASY by Ruta Sepetys
Historical Fiction is not usually my preferred genre. Unless the history that is involved is from two centuries ago or so, then I’m more likely to reconsider picking up such a book. Recent history though is not one of my preferences when it comes to fiction. Maybe I’m still hung on choosing to study History…