The atmosphere of The Summer Seaside Kitchen was incredible. Even though Mure isn’t a real island but an amalgam of various islands of the Northern Isles, it completely came to life. I could picture the scenic views, the landmarks and houses so perfectly, I very nearly felt as though I had been transported to Mure myself. The more I read, the more I fell in love with the island. That’s how well Jenny Colgan detailed everything!
SECONDS by Bryan Lee O’Malley
Life choices, second chances and changing the past are major themes in Seconds. That’s why I think it’s a graphic novel that appeals to a wide audience, even if the medium isn’t something one usually reads. It’s natural to wish things had gone differently, lamenting that everything could’ve turned out better, dwelling on the perpetual if only…
CHOP CHOP by Simon Wroe
The thing about reading debut novels is that you never know what to expect. This abyss of the unknown is exacerbated when you have the privilege of reading a review copy. While not knowing can be disconcerting to some readers, I think it is precisely that which heightens the thrill of a book. In the…
RAW BLUE by Kirsty Eagar
Raw Blue is one of those books with a very apt title. It indeed is a raw book. It’s a book about finding yourself, dealing with or avoiding the past (whichever way you see it) and coming to terms with family differences. There’re a lot of reasons for Carly to be down but she has…