In April I read The Almost Truth by Eileen Cook, as per Olena‘s recommendation. Olena in turn read North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley. I hadn’t heard of The Almost Truth until Olena recommended it, so it was a new to me. It was a pretty decent book, and I liked that it was light-hearted.
I think The Almost Truth is a great book for times when nothing but a light-hearted book will do. We all know those days when we want to read but our minds just won’t focus on anything that requires us to think all too much for ourselves. Not to knock The Almost Truth for being…
HEARTBEAT by Elizabeth Scott
Heartbeat was a relatively good book for me, although I didn’t think it was exceptional. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t connect emotionally. For a book such as this, not connecting emotionally feels like a downfall because the whole concept of it is actually very heartbreaking. Instead, I felt rather detached. Maybe because…
Epic Recs: April 2014
CATCHING JORDAN by Miranda Kenneally
Catching Jordan was one of those books I had more fun looking forward to than actually reading. For one, books about sports often get me very excited. For another, the protagonist is a girl on a guys’ team! How can this not turn out to be a great book? Simple: when the sports action itself is lacking in the book.