When Renegades came out last year, I liked it but didn’t love it. At the same time though, I thought this new series had potential and was excited to continue reading. Now I’m happy to report that Archenemies lived up to those expectations. It’s everything I hoped for and more!
Sofia and the Utopia Machine fills an important space in Singapore literature not only as an young adult book but as science fiction. I don’t remember coming across any local YA books when I was in primary and secondary school. In fact, when I was still in secondary school, I wasn’t interested in Singapore literature precisely because it seemed to be geared towards adults. In that regard, it’s heartening that local YA books have gained more visibility in recent years.
THE BONE SEASON by Samantha Shannon
Originally I had planned to post a different book review today but I finished The Bone Season this afternoon and am brimming with thoughts. Even though I enjoyed most of my time reading the book, I walked away with conflicting feelings. The more I think about the things that bothered me, the more I feel like I need to get them off my chest. While I can’t say I hated the book, there are parts that made me uncomfortable and I wish I had known about these things before buying the The Bone Season. As it is, I already bought the next two sequels before starting the series (I should’ve learnt my lesson by now), and I do plan to read The Mime Order next.
THE CALL by Peadar Ó Guilín
Before receiving a review copy of The Call, I hadn’t heard of it. Reviews on Goodreads were few and vague. The synopsis didn’t give much away either. All I knew was that this would be a book of horror — a genre I generally avoid. In any case, with Halloween around the bend, I thought I should at least read one creepy book this month.
INSURGENT (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth
After re-reading Divergent, I knew that chances were I wouldn’t like Insurgent anywhere near as much as I did back in August 2013. What I didn’t expect was to walk away feeling oh so cold. There were so many things about Insurgent that made me want to chuck it. As early as the 96th page, I feared I would mark this re-read a DNF. The book had already annoyed me a lot within those pages alone.
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