You know those books that you add to your TBR pile for no apparent reason, except that the cover looks cool? Shatter Me was one of those books for me.
ANGELFALL (Penryn & the End of Days #1) by Susan EE
Truth be told, I decided to pick up Angelfall because I could get the audiobook for free via Kindle Unlimited. Angelfall wasn’t actually on my TBR list but I was in search for an audiobook and practically all my friends on Goodreads who read the book liked it. Only one person was disappointed, so the odds were in my favour. This also meant that since I hadn’t planned on reading it, I had zero expectations.
FREE TO FALL by Lauren Miller
SWIPE (Swipe #1) by Evan Angler
MATCHED (Matched #1) by Ally Condie
Matched was a fairly mellow book for a dystopian fiction. In fact, it started off with a markedly utopia society in which peace reigned. Cassia looked forward to her Matching ceremony, where she would meet her Match. She fully trusted the Society to determine her ideal partner whom she would marry four years later, when they were 21 years old.