For better or for worse, the UK book cover of Defy the Stars isn’t befitting of the story. Romance isn’t central to the plot. The overarching theme was what constitutes humanity, which I thought was explored exceedingly well in this book. It was also about sacrifice to save others and the chase to live forever.
Bluescreen was a fast-paced mystery rooted in science fiction. Set in the near future, the setting felt immediate yet very much more advanced. A lot of the communication technology and technology as a whole reflected current imaginations of what could be possible in a couple of decades. I thought Bluescreen tapped on that technological knowledge very well and injected some creativity as well.
FREE TO FALL by Lauren Miller
MATCHED (Matched #1) by Ally Condie
Matched was a fairly mellow book for a dystopian fiction. In fact, it started off with a markedly utopia society in which peace reigned. Cassia looked forward to her Matching ceremony, where she would meet her Match. She fully trusted the Society to determine her ideal partner whom she would marry four years later, when they were 21 years old.