Tweet Cute was so much more relatable than I had anticipated. Based off the title alone, I probably wouldn’t have picked up the audiobook. But I did remember enjoying Open Road Summer years ago, not realising that Emma Lord wasn’t Emery Lord. Oops. ‘Twas a good mix-up though because I really enjoyed Tweet Cute.
THIS ONE SUMMER by Jillian Tamaki & Mariko Tamaki
Flip open This One Summer and you’ll be greeted by beautiful graphics. They’re art pieces in and of themselves. The illustrations are set in monotone though rather than black ink, dark blue has been chosen. This adds softness to the images fitting for the contemporary summer setting of this graphic novel. I could stare at the pages over and over again, allowing my eyes to feast upon the beauty. Sadly, that’s all that my two stars are for.
CONVERTING KATE by Beckie Weinheimer
Kate is a character I’m going to remember for a long time to come. She is someone I’d like to be friends with if I were to meet her in real life. Most of the time I remember books for their stories and their ideas but I will remember this book for the person whose…
For once I’m not entirely sure if my dislike for the book purely stems from the book itself or from the expectations that arose prior to reading the book because a very popular author wrote this. An Abundance of Katherines is the first full-length novel of John Green that I got my hands on. The first sentence had me totally hooked but no single sentence can sustain a whole book. No matter how good that sentence is. Despite my growing reservations, I decided to continue reading, even staying up till 3 a.m. one night just to complete it. Sleep would’ve been time better spent on my part.