A Thousand Nights is a magical book. The prose is exceedingly beautiful. If literary fiction were to bridge over to the young adult segment, this book would be a stellar example of the genre. In some ways, I think that if readers were to expect a slow story, magnificent in words over a fast-paced one, then the reviews wouldn’t have come to be as mixed as they are now.
ORIGIN by Jessica Khoury
Truth be told, I picked up Origin only because I saw the cover of Vitro, which I thought was gorgeous. I loved it the moment I laid my eyes on it and when I learnt that it’s the second book in the series, I decided I had to read the first, so I would have a reason to hold the pretty white cover with the test-tube that contains clear blue seawater and and island. Shallow, maybe. But what does it matter if a cover makes me pick up a book?