The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender and I developed a love-hate relationship of sorts. The promises made in the prologue was wondrous and I was so excited to continue reading. By the time I reached the end I felt empty. I loved the style of writing adopted in the prologue. It captured my attention so vividly, I fully expected to fall in love with the rest of the story. Sadly, that didn’t happen.
CONVERTING KATE by Beckie Weinheimer
Kate is a character I’m going to remember for a long time to come. She is someone I’d like to be friends with if I were to meet her in real life. Most of the time I remember books for their stories and their ideas but I will remember this book for the person whose…
NOW I’LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING (Alice #25) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Closure is something that we often seek to come to terms with the end of something. Often it helps us resolve issues, so we can move on with our lives without dwelling too much on the past. Yet once in a while the time comes that closure is no longer necessary. It’s way past overdue…
OUT OF THE EASY by Ruta Sepetys
Historical Fiction is not usually my preferred genre. Unless the history that is involved is from two centuries ago or so, then I’m more likely to reconsider picking up such a book. Recent history though is not one of my preferences when it comes to fiction. Maybe I’m still hung on choosing to study History…
MY LIFE NEXT DOOR (My Life Next Door #1) by Huntley Fitzpatrick
I’m not sure if I would’ve enjoyed My Life Next Door as much as I did had I read a physical book of it myself. There’s no doubt I would’ve liked it just not quite as much. As it is, My Life Next Door is the kind of book I very much enjoy listening to…